Micah Sherr

Callahan Family Professor of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
Georgetown University
pronunciation:       listen here
email: first . last @ georgetown.edu
GPG key available at https://keybase.io/msherr.
phone:(202) 687-4381
office:St. Mary's Hall, Room 315-J
mastodon:   @msherr@fediscience.org
mail:3700 Reservoir Road NW
 Room 315-J
 Washington, DC 20057

Research Interests

My academic interests include privacy-preserving technologies, e-voting security, eavesdropping and wiretap systems, operating system security, network and protocol security, and network intrusion detection.

Basically, I like breaking stuff and occasionally fixing things.

I co-direct the CS SecLab and am the PI of the RACECAR anti-censorship project.

Based on the Mathematics Genealogy Project, here is my academic family tree (as of April 2022).

A more formal biography is also available.