Micah Sherr

Callahan Family Professor of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
Georgetown University
pronunciation:       listen here
email: first . last @ georgetown.edu
GPG key available at https://keybase.io/msherr.
phone:(202) 687-4381
office:St. Mary's Hall, Room 315-J
mastodon:   @msherr@fediscience.org
mail:3700 Reservoir Road NW
 Room 315-J
 Washington, DC 20057


See also the list of SecLab Personnel.


(in order of matriculation)


Note to potential Ph.D. applicants

I am always interested in working with bright Ph.D. students.

If you are interested in Georgetown’s Ph.D. program in computer science, you should read the program overview carefully. You should also search the web for different perspectives on what getting a Ph.D. in computer science entails; Ronald Azuma’s So long, and thanks for the Ph.D. manuscript is a good place to start.

If you want to work with me, then please first make sure that you actually do want to work with me – look at my past projects and publications. If you think you are a good fit, then please apply to the Ph.D. program and mention that you are interested in security and would like to work with me.

You can send me your CV, but I cannot provide advice on the admissions process, nor will sending me your CV affect your chances of admission. Professors in the Computer Science Department do not make admissions decisions. All admissions decisions are made by the Graduate School’s Office of Admissions. If you have questions about the Ph.D. program, please see the program overview and the accompanying FAQs first; if you still have questions about the program, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies.